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Automobile Injury Specialist

Long Island Chronic Pain

Pain Management Specialists & Anesthesiologists located in East Northport, NY, Centereach, NY & Huntington Station, NY

If you’re injured in an auto accident and can’t find relief from chronic back or joint pain, board-certified pain medicine specialist, Uzma Nasir, MD, at Long Island Chronic Pain can help. At the offices in East Northport, Centereach, and Huntington Station, New York, the team offers comprehensive pain management plans using the latest conservative therapies. They focus on quickly relieving your pain and preventing a worsening of your condition. To schedule an evaluation of an automobile injury, call the Long Island Chronic Pain office nearest you or request an appointment online today.

Automobile Injury Q&A

What are common automobile injuries?

A variety of injuries can develop after an automobile accident. For some, the impact leaves behind minor cuts and lacerations that heal in time. In others, an automobile accident can have a longer-lasting impact.

One of the most common types of automobile injury is whiplash. This condition affects the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your neck and occurs when your head moves back and forth suddenly. The trauma can strain the muscles and soft tissues and cause long-lasting pain.

Automobile accidents can also affect other parts of your body and often causes pain in the lower back, neck, and joints. This type of traumatic event can also increase your risk for complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS), a chronic pain disorder that can develop after any type of injury. 

At Long Island Chronic Pain, the team only treats automobile injuries covered by workers' compensation claims. This means the accident must occur while you are working for your employer and engaging in a work-related activity. They do not see no-fault claims.

When should I seek treatment for an automobile injury?

If you suffer an automobile injury due to work-related reasons, you’re eligible for workers’ compensation and should visit the team at Long Island Chronic Pain to schedule a health evaluation. You might not experience the full effect of an accident until hours or days after the event when your condition and your pain begin to worsen.

You can schedule a pain management consultation at Long Island Chronic Pain if you aren’t finding pain relief with over-the-counter medications and rest.

What can I expect during my evaluation of an automobile injury?

During your evaluation, the Long Island Chronic Pain team takes time to review your medical history and physically examine the painful area. They look for signs of bruising and inflammation and can test your flexibility and range of motion.

Your Long Island Chronic Pain provider customizes a treatment plan that focuses on fast and long-lasting pain relief. Depending on the type of injury, you may benefit from:

  • Medications
  • Nerve blocks
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Trigger point injections

The team also offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to help soft tissue damage heal naturally. Using PRP from your own blood, the physicians inject a high concentration of platelets and plasma into the injured area to promote healing. As new cells grow, they replace the damaged ones to relieve inflammation and pain with long-lasting results.

The Long Island Chronic Pain team works closely with you to ensure your pain is under control and that your treatment is working. If you need additional medical care or physical therapy, the staff can refer you to area specialists when necessary.

If you’re limited by chronic pain from an automobile injury, schedule a consultation by calling the Long Island Chronic Pain office nearest you or by requesting an appointment online today.